family/friends events - Motherhood

Sweetest Day

teacuppamela.pngIt is the third Saturday of October — Sweetest Day. For many people, for many reasons, today is [the] Sweetest Day.

I’m thinking that, after reading an article about an abortionist who was gripped with the reality of what abortion really is, maybe some will make a decision, on this Sweetest Day, to decide/admit/repent once and for all that abortion is murder of a precious little baby — and to, from henceforth, recognize and proclaim the truth of abortion and admit the heinous atrocity of destroying human life and the lucrative abortion industry and its insidious, pernicious lies.

My husband and I spent the day at Seattle Children’s Hospital with our dear friends.  What an incredible place Children’s is: from staff –  information, innovative care, to surgeries, research and practices for thousands of conditions / special needs.  At different locations throughout the hospital we’d see images of children and credits to foundations, donors and supporters of the massive hospital.

Each time we visit that hospital I’m thankful for the care we’ve received there but am more moved by the thousands of images of precious children and families previously helped by the specialized and technologically advanced care they received there.   I’m moved by the intense work to preserve health and life to children — the intense drive to discover and cure ills — to find solutions to debilitating birth defects, disease and disabilities.

In the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) waiting room we had sort of a surreal time — as we received updates through the day we had many hours to pray, to praise, and to talk over what the Lord has done — His mercy and goodness. God is only faithful… and great is His faithfulness.

Through the day we were recounting some of the many times we sat with one of the families in that same place as their little son had numerous and very serious medical conditions over many years.  And so…  now we’ll add this event’s waiting room visits to our cache of shared memories with all these friends — these brothers & sisters in the Lord.   I’d like to ask you to pray for our friends and their dear boy… you can follow their blog here.

So, why did I write about abortion in this particular post?  The aberrant reasoning of those who defend the killing of children… the dichotomy of abortion and life… the careless disregard and disposal of precious, intricate, fearfully and wonderfully created by God… human life.


One comment on “Sweetest Day

  1. Hi Mrs. Spurling,

    I’m going to be taking a extended internet break so I won’t be checking in but I wanted to say that I will be praying for your friends family. We all need prayers these days.

    Take care and be blessed. I hope next time I visit your blog I have good news to share, meeting of goals and such.

    Ouida Gabriel

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