30 Favourite Things #21

teacuppamela.png  It’s getting harder to decide which memory or which favourite event to share in this list of30 Favourite Things of my Fiftieth Year.”  I was thinking today that one thing I’m so thankful for in this past year is the realization that time is passing — time has passed. 

And so, one of my favourite things has been the many times I’ve realized that I might never do this or that thing again and so I’ve made a concerted effort to do things – to live intentionally instead of by default. 

I remember some years ago that my mother remarked about an elderly aunt:  She’s always so upbeat, always so eager for the day.  I consider that fairly often, actually.  That’s not who or how I am by nature — eager.  No — But that’s just what I want to be, that’s how I want to be or how I want to respond: eager — eagerly.

So, whether it’s going somewhere, cheering the boys in soccer, doing chores, reading and studying, projects or maintenance… I just want to be eager about them all.  I want to have enthusiasm for the day instead of dread, complacency or carelessness.  I guess intentionally doing many different things in this past year has made me realize more than ever:  there is *so* much to do.    And I want to get at it!!


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