Every day… every day… day after day, there’s the dilemma: what’s for dinner? Or… for many, the daily questions are more like: What’s for breakfast?
When’s coffee? What’s for lunch? What’s for snack? What’s for dinner? Where’s the chocolate for me?
Here are a few dinner recipes and you might also want to print up a couple of these… “Dozens of Dinners” dinner ideas and a page of “Bunches of Lunches” lunch ideas I wrote up for a cookbook a long time ago.
As an aid for the kitchen sink ponderings as to what to have for dinner, I posted these pages on our website several years ago so that women could print them out and tape them to the inside of the kitchen cabinet near the sink. For most all my homemaking years I have had lists, recipes, notes and photographs on the inside of the doors of my kitchen cabinets so that I will have ‘ready reminders’ of what to fix (lists of meals), how to fix (recipes & notes), and why to fix them (photographs of people I love) — for lunches and dinners and other meals.
Bon appetit!
Hey… and remember those chickens we butchered a few weeks ago? Well… the cool thing we used for “plucking” or defeathering them was a Whizbang chicken plucker – just like the one shown here at The Deliberate Agrarian! The first plunging of the chicken into the boiling water and into the Whizbang plucker was stomach-churning. Really. After the first one, the rest were easier (sort of). And I don’t know when if I could ever do the neck slicing deal – you know. I would say that the best way to do the chicken butchering job is to share it (and the equipment) with friends. Well… that’s probably the only way I would could do it.