• Devotionals - Streams - Desert

    Timely Words

    I’m profoundly aware this morning of the timeliness of the Word – of the order of the LORD, His plans, His purposes and His timing. What a blessing it is to walk with the LORD and to see His signature on the writing of the day or to see His orchestration of sequences of events. What a wonder, what a marvel: that the God of the Universe, the Creator and sustainer of all life would think on me… would think on you and would take note of all that concerns you before as yet one day or one moment comes…

  • Streams - Desert

    Streams in the Desert 1.15.08

      Back to the Bible Be Still     Author: Mrs. Charles E. Cowman Source: Streams in the Desert Scripture Reference: Genesis 26:24-24 “And the Lord appeared unto Isaac the same night” (Gen. 26:24). “Appeared the same night,” the night on which he went to Beer-sheba. Do you think this revelation was an accident? Do you think the time of it was an accident? Do you think it could have happened on any other night as well as this? If so, you are grievously mistaken. Why did it come to Isaac in the night on which he reached Beer-sheba? Because…