I didn’t really make any new year’s resolutions this year. I don’t ever really do well with resolutions – I set lofty ideals and then fail. But you know, there really is something about a new year, a fresh start, a clean slate that has a particular appeal to me. I want things to go well – I want things to be fresh and new and without all the problems or blemishes of the past or without the obvious failures or even partial successes of the past. So, I guess I must, deep down, have a desire to set and keep new year’s resolutions — even though I say (or feel like) I don’t.
So, I’ve been mulling over many things in the last several days. You know, the good things and hard things of the last year – the “all that happened in 2007” things. I’ve been mulling over some of my life “resolves” — things I resolve to do, be or say. Sort of the planks I stand on in life. What are they, for sure? I’ve been asking. I’ve also been praying… I’ve asked the Lord, what would You tell me or what would you show me if my whole heart was fully yielded to You? What could You do with or through me if I were totally yielded to You? I listen for the voice of the Lord — but I suppose many times I discount the voice or I think I don’t hear completely or whatever. O, how I want to be resolved that I will seek the Lord – I want to hear the voice that Elijah heard (1Kings 19), when the Lord was not in the wind or the earthquake or the fire – but was there… a still small voice. And I know God is faithful – He is and has been faithful. I think of those things I feared but that did not come to pass. Those things that I feared that did come to pass —but— the Lord was with me — He was before me. He is before me and behind me. His grace is sufficient for the day and His provision is steadfast and abundant: beyond what I could ask or imagine.
On this first day of 2008, I’ve had the privilege of seeing some of the most spectacular sights on earth. From the rising of the sun to the darkness of night, I’ve been keenly aware of the presence of the Lord. Early this morning, I stood on a hilltop looking out over the vast prairie of Idaho; it was still and quiet except for the sound of snow crunching under foot and a few birds that would occasionally swoop down. The view was absolutely breathtaking; it seemed I could see for a thousand miles — and I was filled with astonishment at the beauty of the Lord and of His creation.
Later, as we traveled west, over hills and valleys, through strong winds, over great rivers and hundreds of miles wheat fields blanketed with fresh snow which was illuminated by the sun and it seemed to glisten like millions of millions of diamonds. We were again mesmerized by God’s handiwork — His provision — His creation. Many hours later, as we traveled down our lane, we could see the little twinkle lights in the windows seeming to say: welcome home… and now in the warm house we’re mindful of His answers to prayer, His merciful kindness, His protection and provision and all we can say is: thank You.
I Stand In Awe Of You
Mark Altrogge
You are beautiful beyond description
Too marvelous for words
Too wonderful of comprehension
Like nothing ever seen or heard
Who can grasp you infinite wisdom
Who can fathom the depth of your love
You are beautiful beyond description
Majesty enthroned above
And I stand, I stand in awe of you
I stand, I stand in awe of you
Holy God to whom all praise is due
I stand in awe of you.
It is the dawn of a new year, and I am filled with both awe and hope – for what He has done and what He will do. And I do stand in awe of the LORD… I’ve had time to think of what God’s done in the past year – again, those things I feared that did, and those things I feared that didn’t, come to pass in the last year. O, the countless miracles and tender mercies of the Lord. It’s because of these things and more that I resolve to obey the LORD and I do stand in awe.
So, the first plank I want to stand on this year is the plank of faith.
The second plank I want to stand on this year is the plank of wisdom.
The third plank I want to stand on this year is the plank of truth.
Still another plank is the plank of discretion.
At the dawn of this new year… may I — may we — be found faithful. I pray God will complete the work He’s begun.
Melodie and Lanita… thank you for your comments. (I’m still waiting on the homeschool email… go ahead: I’m watching for it! ~smile~)
We visited friends in Idaho and it was a real blessing and joy to be able to do so. I commented about the scenery bcz it was so spectacular and breathtaking that I couldn’t help but write about it. But we did have marvelous times. We met a couple (we had met their son on some previous trips) and it turns out that they used to fellowship many years ago with a family that is in our fellowship today!! God’s world is both great and small – the fellowship of believers is amazing! It was a delightful time. Snowy – snowy! The last time we were there in July it was 108^ golden wheat fields and bright sun and and this time was 18^ bright white snow everywhere. Amazing!! We love to visit our friends there and this was important to us all as this was the family’s first Christmas/NewYear w/o their husband/father. It was tender. his absence was so obvious. Sweet days they were!! Prayerful and lots of singing. And. eating. eating.
So… back home again. I am working on many things, too. Getting Timothy ready to go to Ghana. And health needs to be a priority. Wes’s wake up call heart attack three months ago was not only a ‘wake up’ call for him but for me… and I need to heed that call!!
bless you both and thank you for your encouragement to me.
Let us encourage one another to walk faithful in whatever He calls.
love, pamela
What a breath of fresh air. I did make a list of goals for myself, which I don’t usually do. But I love your view point and making God our focal point and being faithful to Him above ALL else. I love your “planks”, a great start to your path for the New Year. I think I will print out your blog and keep it before me as I strive to be faithful to God too. May God richly bless you and your family this new year and may He find us ALL faithful in whatever He calls us to this year.
It sounds so beautiful to hear you talk of the way God’s earth. I have missed reading your blog. How was your Christmas? Did it go well with your brother? I am curios as to where you always go in Idaho. Is your family from there? My family an I have been to Idaho Falls and also up through Boise traveling toward Oregon. I have resolved to get in better health. Notice I did not say shape. I think this will line up to what it should be if I concentrate on health. I hope you and your family a blessed new year. I am sending my e-mail about home-school one more time. I was wanting you to comment.
God bless you.