
blogging’s like a bicycle

teacuppamela.pngWell, sometimes blogging’s like a bicycle. You ride and ride and ride some weeks and then other weeks you just can’t seem to get to the peddling. Still other times, blogging’s sort of like a bicycle with a loose chain… you get going and things seem to be running along pretty smoothly and then the chain slips off the gear. That’s a bit descriptive of my blogging style, I suppose.

Yesterday… o, yesterday… what a day! I’ll write more about it tomorrow — it was a bittersweet day. It was the day of our friend’s memorial service… but yesterday was also my husband’s birthday. He can now order senior coffee at McDonald’s. He has an AARP membership. He has my unfailing love, admiration and respect. And I think it’s pretty neat to have shared 32 of his birthdays with him… how God has blessed me with this tremendous and loyal husband and all these wonderful years!! I pray for many, many more years.

Today would’ve been my daddy’s birthday… I wish I had known him or spent time with him all of my life. When I met him as an adult after not spending my childhood in his care, I never would have imagined the swift passage of time and never would have thought he’d die so young. Every one of the “senior years” is younger to me… now. We had some wonderful years and our children — his grandchildren — treasure the memories and rehearse them from time to time. He was larger than life… and some of the memories have, because of a bit of embellishment, taken on a life of their own, I’m afraid. But he really was a grand man with grand stories and witty humour. On this day, eight years ago, I was sitting beside him… he was dying of cancer… and the making of memories had come to an end.

And today’s the first day of autumn. hmmmmmm.

more tomorrow. the chain slipped off.


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