More Slices of Life - Potpourri

Today’s Slices

teacuppamela.pngBlogging is sort of like riding a bike… sometimes it’s easy, like riding on a smooth path; other times it’s a challenge, like a steep incline or like attempting to get back on and ride after falling off the bike.  Anyway… this is for my friend who, yesterday, asked me to keep blogging.

So today I don’t really have anything original or inspiring to write but I do have a couple of matters that are weighing on my heart.   Ironically, they’re completely unrelated and in the scheme of things have drastically different weight as far as importance goes.  But sort of like noticing the potty needs to be scrubbed when you’re on the way to a funeral, sometimes odd things grab our attention.   So, I sit here today attempting to catch up on all the mails that need replies and I read of very difficult circumstances, grim realities and heavy loads others bear.  Then I consider… bear ye one another’s burdens.  And I pray.

I pray for the family of a young lady who, while doing missions’ work in the UK, contracted a flesh eating bacteria and has undergone surgery to amputate the infected leg.  I ache for this young woman, I ache for her family and for the one who sent me the mail and link for updates.  The enemy may intend things for evil, but God allows them for good, I think as I read the entries.  And as I read, I pray for wisdom for them.  I would ask others to pray for them as well; her story is here.
Having just gotten off the phone with Kathryn in  Uganda, I’m mindful of the sacrifice God calls many to make on His behalf.  I’m more mindful than ever that God is the blessed controller of all things and is sovereign and merciful.  He can only be merciful and will only do/choose/provide/etc., that which is for our good and His glory.  Always and only.  So when I think of Kathryn there holding a baby sick with malaria, taking her into her bed for the night to sleep safely under the mosquito net, I think: praise the LORD  ~ He is good.  How merciful He is to have provided arms to hold that helpless child.

And then I browse through the hundreds of images taken this past weekend as we visited friends in Idaho… a family dedicated to serving the LORD  and caring for their husband/father as the ALS continues to weaken his body.  They care for every single thing that concerns him as he, for many years, has had no use of limbs – both arms and both legs.  But God is truly rich in mercy and His blessing IS on that home and household and He IS guiding and providing.  One only need look into the beautiful face of his loyal and dedicated wife to see the tremendous blessing of the LORD.  Her eyes smile… what a blessing it is to be taught of the LORD through the testimony of her life.

I’m getting ready to attend the Pacific Northwest Above Rubies Retreat this weekend.   I look forward to not only seeing/hearing Nancy Campbell, but also to spending time with sisters in the LORD and with women I rarely see or only see once a year.  It’s a sweet time of fellowship that I treasure.  I’ll be missing Kathryn as I’ve come to so delight in sharing these sorts of occasions with her now that she’s older… but I’m so pleased to have Hannah come down for the retreat for one of the days.  She’s doing Kathryn’s nannying work while she’s away and so is prevented from attending the whole weekend.  I think she’ll enjoy the time ~ and the blessing of Nancy Campbell.

I think it’s interesting how the LORD has used and is using Nancy in women’s lives and homes.  I think it’s interesting how, like Elisabeth Elliot, she’s used to reach so many women on so many levels – young and old, rich or poor – across the globe.  Interesting too, that they both do not fit the stereotypical “modern Christian woman” and don’t even attempt to.  I think that’s one (among many) of the things,  I respect most about them both.  They’re not attempting put on a “sports stadium” event for women.  In fact, I’d hazard to guess that many would be turned off by their message.   But it’s fairly obvious that many (many-many???) Christian women are turned off by the truths of the Word.   It’s foolishness to them and it’s “old-fashioned” to them.  I guess that’s why I pray so fervently that women will read the Word, pray and study to know the will and way of the LORD.  His Word is plain—it’s true and simple.   I am praying many will be touched with the message of the pure Word and that their hearts will be turned to the LORD, to their husbands, to their homes and to their children and their lives will reflect His glory.


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