Whew, what a week, but… O, What a Saviour!
I often wonder where I’d be without the LORD. Who would I turn to and where would I go? O to be found in the Hand of the LORD and to be sitting at His feet. What a tremendous blessing we have… freedom to sit at the feet of the LORD, to read His Word and to be freely welcome to bring our petitions, our grief, our sorrows and our hopes to the throne of the living LORD. Living – not a statue, not a concept, not a changing imagination, not a vision… but the living LORD.
I was mulling over the passage where Peter says to Jesus in John 6:68 –

thou hast the words of eternal life.”
Where would I go… seeing that Jesus alone has the power to save, to guide and to provide for everything that concerns me. Why would I consider then going this life without Him?
He is LORD in every prayer… in plenty and in want, in disappointment, in trials, in sickness, in surgeries, watching over waywards, in travels, in ministry, in everything we hope and everything we need: He is our provider and LORD.
So, where would I go, LORD, seeing You have the words of eternal life. To whom would I turn, seeing that You alone are my salvation.