
To all the whosoever’s

teacuppamela.pngIt’s amazing to me tonight to consider that ten years have passed since I held my newborn in my arms. I smiled this morning as Wes read the “Christmas story” account from the book of Luke. How incredible it must’ve been for Mary to ponder in her heart all that she had heard and had now seen. I gave birth to our baby Naomi in the comfort and warmth of our home on Christmas night ten years ago. I had the protection, comfort and loving attention of my precious husband and our caring midwife. Our children were safe and warm –satisfied with good things and Christmas treats.

It truly was calm and bright that night. The snowstorm had not yet come. I enjoyed soft blankets, candlelight and a warm bath following her birth. I had a soft bed and fluffy pillows and hot tea, and a warmth from the wood heat. The baby’s blankets, diaper and gown were soft and clean and warm. What a contrast to the way and to the place of the birth of my precious LORD and Saviour.

I recall feeling that no mother in all the world could ever have loved a baby as I loved Naomi that night. But Mary. But Mary and all the other mothers who’ve swaddled their baby and held them close and kissed their little fingers and stroked their little foreheads.

But Mary… who held the baby —the LORD Jesus— and had none of the luxuries I was given for the birth of our baby that night.

But for all that love and all that compassion for the helpless little babe, tonight I’m awestruck that that love pales to nothing in comparison with the love the Father has for each one of us: that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

So, to all the whosoever’s: Happy Christmas! For unto us a child is born. To all the whosoever’s peace has come to earth and there is great joy in heaven.


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