Homemaking Preparedness Stuff Slices of Life

Tip Time

♥ It’s Tip Time! ♥ These tips fall under the categories:  I’m so glad I saved _____ ;  and the category:  Ooooo… saved myself a whole bunch of time and energy by planning for future needs! Yay! Continually in the mindset of thinking efficiently,  make a conscious effort to consider the needs of others–your husband, […]...
Homemaking In the Kitchen Preparedness Stuff

A Well Stocked Pantry and a PPP List

You might consider taking a good look into your pantry… what you’ve got on hand, what do you use most often and what’s lacking? Then, if you have them, take a look at your most recent grocery receipts – most stores give enough description for you to cipher what’s on the receipt.   This is […]...
Faith Gardening Homemaking

a gardener’s journal

May I suggest…. A gardener’s journal… or a summer log… a season’s log… I’m making one of these so that I can keep a running log of what’s going on in the garden — and what’s *supposed* to be going on ~wink~ in the garden. As an example… my entries are including what’s being picked […]...
Gardening Homemaking In the Kitchen Planner Preparedness Stuff

Write It All Down Before You Forget

If you spend time with me… you know it won’t be very long before you notice me writing something down.  I write lots of notes — I even write notes about notes. Well, tonight in this “write it all down before you forget” blog entry, I actually want to encourage you to add more to […]...
Political stuff Preparedness Stuff Society

The Dollar Bubble
