Devotionals Faith Family

Seeing Beyond What You See

So much of the time we just see what we see and go on.  We hear what we hear and move on.  How are you? Fine, thank you, how are you? Fine. That’s nice. But that’s not really what’s going on.  Or, that’s not all that’s going on.  It never is. A friend of ours […]...
Devotionals Faith Journal Planner Prayer prayers and answers

Standing in the Son

Though I use it most every day, it’s only every now and then that I take note of the verse imprinted on the cover of the notebook I’m currently using: “May the Lord bless you and keep you, and give you peace.”  from Numbers 6.24-26 I have dozens of such books since I began note-taking […]...
Devotionals Faith Streams - Desert Wayward's

Each Day is Like Heaven

Over the years, standing at the sink many times each day, I’ve seen the most remarkable sights… all the changes each season brings.   Through the years, I’ve become aware of what changes will come about in each of the different months.  I look for what each new season brings–eagerly anticipating the blooms that will soon […]...
Faith Family Heart-Attack-recovery Potpourri Slices of Life

songs for seasons

Just recently I was sharing with my church family the many times the Lord has given me a song for a season — songs playing in the theater of my mind in different seasons.  Through the years, here in this blog, I’ve shared clips of songs or meaningful words that have carried me through difficult […]...
Faith Family marriage Slices of Life

Someday an Heirloom Marriage

Someday an Heirloom Marriage  by pamela spurling written year-2000 I pray as we sit here at  the kitchen table, that what I share with you today will be a blessing to you and a blessing in your home—I pray it will maybe even change the way you look at your marriage and perhaps it will […]...
Devotionals Faith Prayer prayers and answers

more grace

I’m thankful to have woken early this morning… long before my alarm was to ring (and more thankful now, that I didn’t disregard the purpose and attempt to go back to sleep).  I’ve come to see that, in these sorts of times, the Lord has work to do in me — though, sadly, I often […]...
Devotionals Faith my story

We’d Never Get Out of Bed; But God.

Earlier this morning I was viewing a movie trailer (August: Osage County) and just before I closed the window, near the end of that clip, I heard the line: Thank God we can’t tell the future; we’d never get out of bed.” I’ve heard that line (or other similar lines) so many times through the […]...
Devotionals Faith

The Engrafted Word

Many years ago, I had the great privilege of meeting, and then getting to know, the dear Florence Turnidge.  That meeting and subsequent friendship would become for me a living example and enduring encouragement.  Florence had such  a love for the Word of God and a zeal for the truth.  My only regret was not […]...
Devotionals Faith Family my story Potpourri

When God Intervenes

Do you ever stop and wonder what the Lord has spared you from facing or what things He prevented or protected you from?  Have you ever wondered about ‘near misses’ or things that would have happened had God not intervened on your behalf?  I’ve been thinking about these sorts of things again today as I […]...
Devotionals Faith Family Gardening Homemaking Potpourri

Whose Plans?

It’s sure a beautiful Springtime day here in the Snohomish Valley — it’s the kind of day that puts thoughts of rains and flooding to a very distant memory — though such a great possibility  only a few short months ago.  It’s funny how quickly a current reality can totally erase or totally eclipse another, […]...