Are you stuck? Are you stalling? (This post is teetering THMers) Are you wanting to give up thinking you’ll ever get back on track Trim Healthy Mama stlye? Maybe you have used the Trim Healthy Mama plan with great-great results — weightloss, strength, energy, and confidence. Yep, me, too. Maybe you drifted away and gained back ten of the many more pounds you lost. Yep, me, too. Maybe you’ve tried to get back on track dozens of times. Yep, me, too. Maybe you’ve read or followed Sheri Graham, Gwen’s Nest, the THM books, THM websites and/or all sorts of Pinterest THM linked photos, tips and tricks. Yep, me, too.
So what are we waiting for? What are we doing, anyway? I don’t know… I don’t know what it takes to get in that THM zone where you won’t, can’t, don’t want to: veer off plan. I know that when I was all in, I. was. all. in. And then life happened… ten pounds came back to roost and… yep… all year, that’s where I’ve been. All year. Well, maybe a pound up, a pound down. You know… boing, boing, boing… goes the scale, up one, down one, up one, down one. It would have been more had I not had my eye on the plan’s principles at least one, maybe two meals a day.
I know the plan works. I know it does. And I know I can do it. I know I can. I did it. And then I didn’t.
I took the time to tell you all that to say again: What are we waiting for, anyway? Christmas? Ten more unwanted pounds? A New Year? Another “magic key” to success? O-yeah… that’s what I have for you today. ~wink~
I don’t know why in the world I haven’t made recipes from the new TrimHealthyMama Cookbook I’ve looked through dozens of times. I love perusing the book. Really, I do. But now… I’m working my way through it—as in cooking my way through it. I’m telling you — if you’re a nutcase like me — run, don’t walk — to the kitchen and make Pay Off Day Candies (p 381). Make Skinny Chocolate (p 377). Yes, both of them. Put them in your fridge. Go about your day… If noting else, get on the *three hour* eating plan. Seriously. Do it. The old THM way will come back to you.
Put the candies in the fridge… I know, you’ll taste them to see if they’re set.
I did, too. They were perfectly yummy!
Go ahead, do it… wait three hours for your next meal.
You can do it—We can do this together! Yes, we can.
And tomorrow morning, don’t feel too bad if you have two candies and two skinny’s for breakfast with your coffee. I didn’t feel bad at all this morning. They were delicious! And, yippy-skippy (o, no, not Skippy™) there are more in the fridge for later! ♥