In The Course of Reading


One of my greatest delights is to see the goodness or the hand of the Lord in the land of the living. I’ve been so amazed through the years at the many times we have come upon a verse, in the natural course of reading, that was so appropriate or applicable to a particular situation we were in, or dealing with or would soon see or experience.  It’s nothing short of a miracle, a serendipity of the Lord, a gift just for us to take in and treasure.

 “I had fainted, unless I had believed to see
the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.”
Psalm 27.13

The amazing thing is that often a verse is read and we instantly know the Lord is ministering to our hearts, meeting us right where we are.  When these things happen, it’s surely no coincidence, but rather, what I like to call a: CoIncident.

It’s almost as if, from time to time, the Lord sees our weakness, our frailty, our lack of hope or faith or strength to carry on and He delights to give us a drink of cool water to refresh our soul.  It’s often as though He sees us stumbling along with no hope and gives us a lift, a glimpse of His beauty, an unexpected provision meeting our very present need.  No, not a coincidence, but a CoIncident, yes.


His delight is in loving us right where we are that He might demonstrate His love and His power and that He would receive honour and glory and majesty in our lives.  I see His tender loving care in doing these things and I see His power in His work in our lives.  So many times I shake my head and marvel that nothing but God could have made this or that to happen… nothing but the power of the Cross could bridge gaps we face or trials we undergo.  Nothing but the Love of God could show us what we’re shown from time to time — more often — if we have eyes to see and ears to hear.

These have been wearying days, uncertain days, trying days in my life and I marvel each time I come upon a taste of honey in the Word, a sip of cool water, a soothing balm, a strong plank on which to stand.  Tears flood my eyes when I see His mercy in His Word or in something spoken or provided or accomplished. Whatever the need, the Lord continually shows Himself strong on my behalf — which He longs to do for each one of us.  I’m so humbled that He thinks on me… He thinks on you.  Do you know that?

 For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro
throughout the whole earth,
to shew Himself strong in the behalf of them
whose heart is perfect toward Him.
2Chronicles 16.9

In our family reading this morning we came to Numbers 11.  In an astounding answer to Moses’ much doubting, and the children of Israel’s much complaining and murmuring, and the weariness Moses was experiencing at the heavy load he was carrying, the Lord answers Moses with a simple question in verse 23: Is the LORD’s hand waxed short?

Upon hearing that, I was humbled and tears have come to my eyes many times throughout this day as I recount this question to Moses.  It’s a question to me, as well.  And I fall short. God is only great; He is only good; He is only faithful and cannot fail.   I know this.  This is the hardest thing I know.


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