Devotionals - Faith

Be ♥ Ready

I’ve entitled today’s post: Be ♥ Ready because I think we often forget that that’s a calling we have — as believers, as mothers, as family to:  be ready!  The Lord has given us different mandates to be ready… to make ourselves ready.

Readiness will bring gladness and rejoicing!  “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.” –Revelation 19.7
And though, we may not know when that day will come, we do know that it will come.  We are commanded:  “Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.”  –Luke 12.40

We have opportunity, while it is called today, to seek the Lord, to know Him and make Him known.  We have opportunity to study, to learn, to yield, to obey, to repent and do what He’s designed and called us to do.  And as we “work out our salvation” we will be growing in grace from glory to glory.

Do you have hope?  Do you have joy?  Do you have a ready answer?

Maybe you’ve thought long about this and do have hope and joy and a ready answer — praise the Lord if you do.  But maybe you’re not sure of the hope in you… maybe you’ve not entertained this question literally or in your mind.  Today would be a good day to sit down and write out the hope that’s in you.  Maybe your walk with the Lord is young… maybe you’ve not experienced questions of others or haven’t ever articulated your faith.  I’d say it’s very important to collect your thoughts, to write out your testimony, to make sure your faith, as it were.

In 1Peter 3.15 we read: “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:”

Many think it’s hard to witness or articulate to others who Jesus is or what Jesus has done… but it’s really very simple… it’s as simple as giving an account of where you were and where you are today and where you’ll spend eternity.  If we run out of things to share, the simplest thing to remember is to tell about Jesus.  Learn to love to tell the story of what Jesus has done for you, His love and His atoning sacrifice.  Some accounts are as simple as: whereas I was born blind, now I see.

A plane had engine trouble and crashed near our home over the weekend and while the pilot did sustain some injuries, they did not prevent him from communicating as he was being pulled from the wreckage.

He was so lucky, many were saying as they surveyed the damage.  Many asked if we feared having our home in such a location and on and on the questions and statements flowed.  At the time, and surely at the end of the day, all I  could continually consider was the matter of being ready… ready to do whatever the Lord calls us to do and ready to meet Him face to Face.  Surely, early that morning, that pilot did not think:  Hmmm, today I’m going to have a brush with death. And we certainly didn’t think, Hmmmm, this morning, we’re going to watch a plane go down.

But every day, things come up, things happen that should be reminders to us to be ready… to be ready to enter our eternal home, be ready to serve another, be ready to give a witness of what the Lord has done for us.   For even a portion of what the Lord has done for us could not be told.

Hebrews 9.27  “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.”

Be ready… be ready to run, be ready to answer, be ready to give, be ready to serve… be ready to proclaim.   You never know what a day may bring… and were you to know that today would be your last, would you be ready to meet the Lord?

One comment on “Be ♥ Ready

  1. Oh my! That is such a miracle! Glory to the Lord for sure! We just moved outside of the town of Sequim and we now see so much small aircraft activity. I think we are close to the small airport here. I’ve noticed that I keep my ears tuned to their engines…just in case (I guess). Amazing story! Thanks for sharing, Jerene :o)
    Big Blessings to your boys too.

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