I was wondering… how long ago was it that we remodeled our upstairs bathroom? A couple of years? Three years? Already? Here’s what was happening in the month of February 2005
Timothy sent new pics… here’s the latest from Ghana and other pics, too – his page here. I love making pages for our children… their adventures and the Lord’s work in and through them. God is faithful. Always.
Timothy’s really working to acclimate to the culture and people of Ghana to get to know them and serve so that he can more fully relate to them and to proclaim the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. So, his work continues… talking with locals, getting to know them and their families, helping the missionaries there and getting the missions training school ready and well… and becoming a local. ;o)
He’s really pretty incredible with a few buckets of paint. :o)
This is his room now… it will eventually be a ‘boys dorm’ when the young men come to stay and study at the mission’s training school. I think Timo’s pretty pleased with the outcome of the room… it looks to me like a Ghanaian team room. :o)
Now we see why he brought soccer balls and wants us to send more. He uses them to start up conversations – and then friendships are begun. He gets attention by simply being there – but I’m thinking that he is getting attention because he is *living* there. The Lord says to *occupy* till He comes.
O, may we all be found *occupied* with the Lord today – not preoccupied with all the stuff of our plans.