Faith Family Heart-Attack-recovery Potpourri Slices of Life

songs for seasons

Just recently I was sharing with my church family the many times the Lord has given me a song for a season — songs playing in the theater of my mind in different seasons.  Through the years, here in this blog, I’ve shared clips of songs or meaningful words that have carried me through difficult […]...
Heart-Attack-recovery my story Potpourri Slices of Life

The recovery road

All the information, booklets, visits from the different therapists and the remarks of different doctors in the days and hours prior to leaving the hospital following my husband’s open heart bypass surgery didn’t prepare me for the recovery road.  Yes, I’d listened intently. Yes, I’d taken notes and appeared to comprehend all the information they […]...
Give Away Giveaway New Year Notable Quotables Planner Slices of Life

Y2K15 Inspiration and Notable Quotables

No matter how many times I set out to NOT make “New Year’s” or “New Years” or “New Year” Resolutions, I end up making mental lists of resolves anyway.  Somehow, not writing them down makes them safe to consider.  It’s a mind-game — one I usually lose.  Last year I set out to continue instead […]...
Faith Family marriage Slices of Life

Someday an Heirloom Marriage

Someday an Heirloom Marriage  by pamela spurling written year-2000 I pray as we sit here at  the kitchen table, that what I share with you today will be a blessing to you and a blessing in your home—I pray it will maybe even change the way you look at your marriage and perhaps it will […]...
Homemaking Preparedness Stuff Slices of Life

Tip Time

♥ It’s Tip Time! ♥ These tips fall under the categories:  I’m so glad I saved _____ ;  and the category:  Ooooo… saved myself a whole bunch of time and energy by planning for future needs! Yay! Continually in the mindset of thinking efficiently,  make a conscious effort to consider the needs of others–your husband, […]...
Home Sweet Home Homemaking Motherhood Slices of Life

Love what you do.

You’ve likely heard the phrase: “Do what you love, love what you do.”  Well… I got to thinking about that phrase sometime back and thought: one can’t always do that.  And then I thought, maybe I feel like I can’t always do what I love [to do], but I can learn to love what I […]...
Devotionals Slices of Life

Wherever you are: begin (again) there.

Now, this seems like such simplistic advice — it’s so obvious that it’s almost laughable.  But when you stop and think about it, it’s true for lots of us that we cannot start fresh when we’re in the middle of something — or that because we’ve already messed up the beginning or have failed to […]...
Christmas Devotionals marriage Slices of Life

The Twelve Days of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas    by – Carroll Roberson On the first day of Christmas Jesus gave to me: salvation full and free.  On the second day of Christmas Jesus gave to me: everlasting life, and salvation full and free.  On the third day of Christmas Jesus gave to me: Peace in my heart, […]...
Devotionals Faith Slices of Life


It’s sure hard to change habits, isn’t it?!?!  Habits are so engrained in us that sometimes probably often times we think we’re never ever going to change — our flesh is selfish!!  We often think maybe we just need more will power or more self control.  Have you thought this, too?   I sure have… I’ve […]...
Hawai'i Slices of Life

A Year Ago…

A year ago… it was cold.  A year ago it was rainy and dark clouds loomed overhead when the drops weren’t falling.  I thought Springtime would never come as I looked out the chilly windows.  And though the willow tree had just begun to show signs of lacey spring-green leaves, it was hard to imagine […]...