Family marriage Potpourri

The Vacant Chair

I’ve entitled this blog entry The Vacant Chair — a title that’s not original with me, but the title of a poem I’ll add to this post in a moment.  The poem was written by a dear saint, the husband of a precious friend who passed into heaven earlier this year. It’s interesting that the […]...
Hawai'i marriage my story Streams - Desert

Springtime came…

I smile as I look back and recall a blog entry I wrote on the 22nd of March called Springtime… seasons. At the end of that post I wrote:  “… And I can truly say that God has had the sweetest surprises in store for me following some of the seemingly most barren seasons.  Praise […]...
Devotionals Hawai'i marriage


Thirty three  and a quarter years ago today, Wes and I were married in SanFrancisco.  The glow we had that 4th day of February truly was the glow of love, but it was also the glow of a high fever — a fever that led us to go to the doctor for meds and a […]...
Devotionals Letters to my Sisters marriage Womanhood

Could this be *the* year for you?

Could This Be *The* Year For You? “If ye love Me, keep My commandments.” —John 14.15 O, sisters in the LORD—could this be *the* year for you? This is when the real change will occur… when we finally seek to know and to live the truths of God’s Word…when we lay our lives at His […]...

The Love Dare Journal — Day 4 — Love is Thoughtful

         “Love thinks.  It’s not a mindless feeling that rides on waves of emotion and falls asleep mentally.  It keeps busy in thought, knowing that loving thoughts precede loving actions.” Today’s ‘dare’ is based on the  principle that Love is Thoughtful.  I have been prompted to ask myself many times:  is this […]...

The Love Dare Journal — Day 3 — Love is not selfish —

Love is not Selfish.  This chapter begins with the comment:     “We live in a world that is enamored with  ‘self.’  The culture around us teaches us to focus on our appearance, feelings, and personal desires as the top priority.  The goal, it seems, is to chase the highest level of happiness possible…” I am continuing […]...
marriage TheLoveDareJournal

The Love Dare Journal — Day 2 — Love is Kind

The Love Dare — Day 2 — Love is Kind    Today’s Dare was much like (in my mind anyway) yesterday’s dare — except it was more “outward” or “tangible” instead of passive, personal or inward.  Whereas yesterday’s dare was a “be careful, little mouth, what you say” sort of thing,  I think today’s dare […]...
marriage TheLoveDareJournal

The Love Dare Journal Day 1 ~ Love is Patient

This is going to be some journey as I attempt to follow the ‘rules’ and go through each of the forty days’ suggestions.  I cannot, however, resist making a few comments. I’ve skimmed through the book — but I’ve intentionally not read through the whole thing… so that I will approach each day with an […]...
marriage my fiftieth year

30 Favourite Things #13

Another favourite memory of my fiftieth year was going to the movie Fireproof!   For a bit, the movie was blazing like a wild fire. Though I still don’t have the Love Dare Journal, one of our daughters did buy the DVD of the movie.  It really is a great movie I’m so glad to have […]...
Good Books DVD's marriage

I ♥ marriage

I love it.  I love my own and I love others’ marriages as well.  I love God’s beautiful plan for marriage – His picture and His design.  I love the imagery of marriage and am thankful that God, in His gracious wisdom and mercy, created marriage and called it a picture of Christ and the […]...