More Slices of Life my story Suicide

the suicide option

Through our lives we have experiences that are etched on our hearts and minds — experiences that shape our thinking, shape our reactions, shape our responses, shape our decisions — maybe even shape our initial theology or lack thereof.  If these etchings were recorded on 3×5 cards, in time we’d have quite a card file […]...
my story

Writing Raw

Tonight I’m doing something I never do: writing raw. On purpose. On purpose, generally, I never write raw.  I write. I let it set. I come back and rewrite. If it seems pretty set, I “publish.”  Tonight I’m writing raw. Eighteen months ago a journey began here at our house. Totally uncharted territory. Big time. […]...
my story

Living 99 Years

Living 99 years... determining to finish well....
Faith my story

He’s Writing My Story

Every day, year after year, God’s writing my story.  Every day,  whether or not I can understand the circumstances I face, He has a very good plan for whatever I face. And regardless of my comprehension, His plan is for my good and His glory. I believe this not only because His word says so, […]...
Faith my story Potpourri


I was once in an accident that blindsided me.  It happened in a startling flash! And though nearly four decades have passed,  I haven’t forgotten sitting there in the car, shocked that while making a left turn in a blind hilltop intersection, I’d just been spun around and was facing an entirely different direction on […]...
Motherhood my story

reclaiming former resolve

Resolve. Quite a number of times recently I’ve longed for reclaiming former resolve.  Sort of the embracing of the old paths — things that became such high priorities in former days.  So now, I humbly say, experiences in recent years have really knocked me down and drained my resolve.  Sinking in worthlessness jolted my senses […]...
my story Slices of Life

bold confidence, sheer determination, blind faith

In my earlier years, I seem to have had no lack of bold confidence or sheer determination (and what was becoming blind faith).  As I look back now on those earlier days — so many amazing (and so many cringe-worthy 😲) days!  I marvel at the goodness and mercy of God! The other day Hannah […]...
my story

change is a good thing

change is a good thing...
CSA my story Potpourri

CSA… It Steals and Steels

For days my mind’s been flooded with grief and all sorts of other CSA  emotions I’ve been trying to stifle. (I wrote this a week ago; gripped with the reality that sexualabuse steals and steels.  Today I wondered if I wrote it as another of many, many entries I would write and never publish.  But […]...
Faith Family my story THM

Thanksgiving 2015

From me (and my family) to you, Happy Thanksgiving 2015 We celebrate God’s merciful kindness this Thanksgiving! I’m filled with awe and gratitude for the opportunities the Lord has given me and I am thankful to be able to share this blog with you. I sincerely wish you love, peace, joy, hope, contentment and patience. […]...