Are you stuck? Are you stalling? (This post is teetering THMers) Are you wanting to give up thinking you’ll ever get back on track Trim Healthy Mama stlye? Maybe you have used the Trim Healthy Mama plan with great-great results — weightloss, strength, energy, and confidence. Yep, me, too. Maybe you drifted away and gained back ten of the many more pounds you lost. Yep, me, too. Maybe you’ve tried to get back on track dozens of times. Yep, me, too. Maybe you’ve read or followed Sheri Graham, Gwen’s Nest, the THM books, THM websites and/or all sorts of Pinterest…
NEW! TrimHealthyMama Online Store Many women are enjoying great success following the Trim Healthy Mama book & eating style or plan. But many women aren’t. I notice this many times as I read the different posts on the Facebook THM group “encouragement page” [my description] and the number of comments that are either negative or reflect a lack of being able to stick with the THM meal plans. Many women are simply feeling defeated as they try to “stay on plan.” I don’t know why this is, exactly, but I think it has a lot to do with the proliferation…
There are so many Trim Healthy Mama resources to give you all the tools you need to succeed in changing your eating lifestyle and find “your trim” or you level of healthy weight and energy. Along with all that, you’ll see that all these resources will give you ample instruction, inspiration to press on each day as you explore all the many meal and snack options along with daily doses of encouragement and a push now and then to run the race… or to get back up and keep running the race if/when you fall off course. Joining the Facebook…