• Family - Motherhood - mothering from the sidelines - Timothy - Ghana

    another birthday…

      Another birthday for one of our children.  Another day to reflect on the many blessings, provisions and calling of the Lord on this son’s life — the golden child, the brothers and sisters call him.   We all have a smile when someone says this or refers to him in this manner.  They all know they are — each one to me — a golden child, though they’d insist he is the golden child.  ~smile~ So another year, another birthday… another celebration that doesn’t look like one here tonight.  We’ll make up for it when he returns from Africa in…

  • Family - my story - Timothy - Ghana

    One year ago…

    Though in many ways it seems longer, it was a year ago today that the Lord gave us a great gift in the form of a miracle.  We know it was by the grace of God that Timothy, who was deathly sick with cerebral malaria, awoke from a coma. Our family had been at the Oregon Coast for a family reunion; Timothy had just returned from Ghana, West Africa.  He was sick and getting worse by the day. After several days and medication for what was thought to be Typhoid, his condition was grave, he was so thin and frail;…

  • my story - Timothy - Ghana

    Timothy’s Miracle

    I have written up the story of  our son Timothy’s miracle and would like to share it with you.  We continue to thank and praise the LORD for this marvelous gift.  You can read the story here on our website. And as an update: I’ll begin writing this blog again very soon ~ I’ve missed writing here and would like to return to sharing encouragement, ideas and what the LORD is doing in our lives.  I’m continuing to reorganize and reprioritize my life and home.  In order to live what I write and write what I live, I’ve had to…