encouragement for prayer

teacuppamela.pngAs I was reading my Bible, I began to pray specifically for one of my boys.  This often happens as I am reading along and am inspired by the text to stop and pray or to make personal application to a particular situation or for a particular individual or family.

Well, the other day as I was reading and praying, I was greatly comforted by God’s gracious love toward us and how, though occasionally quite painful or difficult, the Lord works all things for our good and His glory.   Each trial or difficulty seems (perhaps not till long after the fact) to be specifically arranged and ordered that maximum benefit and growth can be realized — and a deepening life message is continually written.

I often pray Colossians 1.11 for my husband and children, praying: “[O Lord, that they might be]  Strengthened with all might, according to [Your] his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness;”  And then I might continue praying more specifically for  a particular situation or need.  I write these things down in my journal so that when rereading them later, I might be able to make a note how the Lord answered that particular prayer or need.  I’m amazed through the years all the different things the Lord has brought to pass in such marvelous ways — ways I’d never have asked or imagined.  He only does well… His ways are only good… all the time.

So I was praying for that boy…

Philippians 1.9-11 “… And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment;  10  That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ; 11  Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God.”  And my prayer continued from there…

You know, as mothers, we often don’t know how to pray or what to pray about a particular situation or need and I think it’s in such times that we really do gain deeper love for the LORD and a greater appreciation for His Word — as in it we find loving consolation and Truth.  I’ve found through the years that when my mind wanders in prayer I lose site of the reality of the presence of God — and the instant remedy is to return to His Word — no sooner do I begin reading than He meets me right at my point of need.  Delightfully, my need is not what I initially thought it was.

In this weary, sin-sick world, we’re in such need of Truth — there are so many deceptions, so many subtle lies and distractions — O, that we would have the mind of Christ and the desire to see Him and the will to obey Him.

Wherever you are, whatever you do… He’ll be there.


One thought on “encouragement for prayer

  1. Pamela,
    I have been learning this lesson in a very new way lately…
    THanks for your wonderful words of encouragement…Always pointing to Christ…

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