Family More Slices of Life

A Glad Representation

It was sort of surreal sitting there last night at the local Burger King… since our family size had been dramatically reduced for the evening and since it was Andrew’s actual birthday, I decided to do some very, very different things for the day and evening.  So, there I was, with the four children, sitting […]...
Family More Slices of Life

Slices of Life ~ August 9

Today’s my sweet boy Andrew’s 9th birthday.  I’ll write about this boy a little later on.  What a delight he is and has been for our family.  I’m marveling today:  what would I do without this boy? Too bizzy for bloggin’ today — but wanted to share an interesting thing – a YouTube clip…. I […]...

O… about my new friend…

Well, she’s been hanging around here for about a week now. And, to tell you the truth, I think my new friend is trying to kill me. Well… maybe not… but she is, at the very least, trying to beat me up. Okay— so, now I sound like a child complaining about the very thing […]...
More Slices of Life

More slices of life

And now…. even *I* can see: the baby’s growing up: The dolly, Amelia, lost her first tooth today. and while I’m at it… here are a couple more pics: These were taken a few weeks ago… Samuel and Hannah were hiking A terrific view of Mount Rainier Samuel… at the top of Mount Pilchuck. They […]...
Family Homemaking


There’s a strange phenomena that happens when people talk about families, or rather, family size. Many times through the years women have commented to me that they “only” have ______ children; or that they have a small family or whatever. I am quick to diffuse the comments or quick to turn the conversation to matters […]...
More Slices of Life

My new friend

I have a new friend.  And believe me… I didn’t instantly like her… she was just… hmmmm too… too.  O, she hasn’t done anything wrong… no, no, no.  It’s just that I initially thought she was smug and seemed a bit too sure of herself.  O, not that she was arrogant or even that she […]...
More Slices of Life

another funny thing about blogging…

……….is that blog entries so often need to be, or tend to be, past-tense or obscure sounding things so that others won’t think you’re writing about them. It’s truly a balancing act to not offend, to not reveal, to not be too secretive or too open or too candid or so vague that too much […]...